
Top Reasons Why December Birthdays Stink

Top Reasons Why December Birthdays Stink
22 Dec 2015

December birthdays have some positive sides. Ok maybe there is only one good thing about December birthdays – your parents received the tax deduction for the year of your birth. Now on to why Decembers birthdays stink:

1. No Money for Gifts – Enough said.

2. Screwed on the Number of Gifts – Your birthday is close enough to the holidays that people have no qualms about combining your birthday gift with your holiday gift. Only one December gift for you!

3. Recycled Holiday Gifts – There is a high probability that you will receive a box of chocolates or a gift basket of popcorn and cookies.

4. Christmas Wrapping Paper – if you are lucky enough to get a birthday gift, it is almost guaranteed that it will be wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper.

5. No Time To Celebrate – People are too busy holiday shopping or going to holiday parties to bother celebrating your birthday with you.

6. No Office or School Celebration – December is a time for vacations from work and winter break from school. Good luck if you expect your cube or office to be decorated or that free lunch from your coworkers.

7. Booked Up Venues and Restaurants – Even if you wanted to have a small party or dinner with friends, finding an available reservation will be difficult with all the holiday parties booked months ago.

8. Few Facebook Birthday Wishes – Getting your birthday noticed on Facebook will be hard with all the Elf on a Shelf posts, pictures with Santa, and family photos.

9. You are Too Stressed Anyway – Yes, even you still need to buy holiday presents and complete your year-end to-do list. You are so tired, you may not care.

10. The Same Issues Will Happen Next Year – Yep, you get to look forward to these same problems all over again the following December.

So enjoy your memorable, non-memorable December birthday!





As a working mom of twins, I look out for activities that are easy, quick and budget friendly with a creative flare. Likes to eat the frosting first!