
Throw a Medal Worthy Olympics Party

Throw a Medal Worthy Olympics Party
12 Feb 2018

With the 2018 Winter Olympic Games taking place in PyeongChang, now is a great time to host an Olympics themed kids party. To tie all the decor, food and activities together think RINGS, as in Olympic rings.

Create a welcoming start to your party with a sign on your front door that says “Welcome to the Olympic Village”. For Olympic rings, use paper plates and cut out the middle. Then paint or color the rings with the official Olympic ring colors of yellow, green, blue, black and red. Using colored construction paper, create a chain link banner by taping the strips of paper into circles and linking. Since the Olympics are an international contest, hang various country flags throughout your place. Each room can be in support of your favorite country. Make sure to show your patriotism. Put up inspirational quotes on banners such as “Go For the Gold!” or “Go Team USA”. Set out Olympic torches as table centerpieces using a paper towel roll as the torch base and orange/red tissue paper as the fire. Ask guests to come in a certain country’s gear or Team USA clothing. Since this Olympics is for the Winter, you can also hang pictures or symbols of anything snow, cold or ice related. One easy idea is to make cut-out paper snowflakes.

Make cookies or cupcakes decorated with any variety of ring shaped candies like Froot Loops, M&Ms or LifeSavers. I notice that LifeSavers has special Exotic Flavors of the World LifeSavers gummies which are perfect for incorporating both Olympic rings and a World theme. Olympic torches are easy to make with ice cream cones filled with cheese puff balls, Cheetos, or orange sherbet ice cream. Cut sugar cookies in the shape of trophies or medals. Stick toothpick flags in the appetizers. For main entrees create food stations with ethnic dishes of the world. Don’t forget the international beers for the adults. For the Winter Olympics vibe, serve hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Using household items, create your own Olympic activities. Crumple up paper and aim for the trash can. Go bowling using the crumpled paper with toilet paper rolls as the pins. See who can fly their paper airplane the furthest. Throw a limbo contest. Have an “Olympic Ring” hula hoop contest. Hang doughnuts on a string and have a doughnut eating contest. Obstacle course are always a hit. Be sure to include hula hoop rings laid flat on the ground and a ring toss. Paper towel rolls work well as ‘batons’ for a relay run. Utilize pillow cases for potato sack races. For the awards ceremony, cover crates in gold, silver and bronze and hand out pretend medals. Don’t forget to play inspirational music like Queen’s song “We Are the Champions”. To incorporate the winter theme, hold a snowman making contest either using crafts or actual snow. Decorate Olympic cookies with candy rings or in the shape of medals. Create paper cut out snowflakes as an activity.

Since the Olympics are such an experience, there is really no need for party favors. However if you still want to provide a take home goody bag, include any of the ring shaped candies in bright Olympic colors, bouncy balls, and play medals. By tying your party together with ideas related to Olympic rings, country flags and trophies, your Olympics party is sure to be Medal Worthy! Go Team!





As a working mom of twins, I look out for activities that are easy, quick and budget friendly with a creative flare. Likes to eat the frosting first!